3 Steps to Leverage Strategic Partnerships and See Powerful Success

By, Shawn Elmore, Client Success Manager, Impact Association Management

In the dynamic landscape of the association world, the road to success is paved with collaboration and strategic partnerships. Associations often find themselves in a unique position - desiring growth and enhanced offerings, yet hesitant to seek support from their friends and colleagues. This can stem from concerns about imposing on relationships or the fear of hearing "no."  However, a lot can be accomplished when associations proactively seek assistance.

Success Story: The Foundation of NACE Event

The recent accomplishments of the Foundation of NACE Signature Event exemplify how organizations can achieve remarkable results by leveraging in-kind donations and harnessing the power of their network.

The Foundation’s efforts garnered a staggering $240,000 in in-kind donations for their event. This accomplishment highlights the immense potential that lies within our professional networks and showcases the art of securing contributions beyond monetary support.

Here are three actionable strategies that can motivate leaders to emulate this remarkable feat and encourage board members to engage in fundraising efforts:

1. Champion the Cause  

Effective leadership starts with a shared vision. Leaders must passionately communicate the association's goals and the impact their contributions can make. When board members understand the purpose and importance of raising in-kind donations, or attracting new sponsors or members, they become enthusiastic advocates for the cause.

2. Create a Supportive Environment

Foster a culture where asking for support is not viewed as a transaction, but as an opportunity to strengthen relationships. By creating an open dialogue and providing training on how to best communicate their needs, leaders can empower their board members to confidently reach out to their networks.

3. Recognize and Celebrate Efforts

It’s important to recognize and celebrate achievements – large or small – as this can significantly boost motivation. Leaders should acknowledge the efforts of board members who successfully secure in-kind donations, demonstrating that their contributions are invaluable to the association's growth. Highlighting these successes not only instills pride but also encourages others to step up and contribute.

The Foundation of NACE's accomplishment is a compelling reminder that associations have an extensive network of supporters who are eager to contribute to their success. By fostering a culture of collaboration, providing the right tools and resources, and celebrating achievements, associations can confidently seek in-kind donations that can drive their growth and impact.

Impact’s team of association professionals have years of experience developing supportive relationships with donors and members. Reach out and discover how we can propel your association toward new heights through meaningful partnerships and strategic collaborations.