Avoiding Lapsed Memberships

As much as we would all love a 100% retention rate each year, it’s not typically feasible. Members are going to come and go for various reasons. It’s our job as Association Managers, volunteers, and board members to determine what those reasons are and avoid the avoidable lapsed memberships. 

  1. Consistently seek out feedback. It’s important to gauge how your members are feeling throughout the entire year. Did they enjoy the event they just attended? How did the renewal process go for them? Do members feel like they are getting their money’s worth? Check-in on these things but don’t just stop there. You must follow up and make changes and adjustments based on member feedback trends. 

  2. Find your core competencies. Do not try to sell your association as the one-stop-shop for everything someone needs. If continuing education is what members come to you for, start marketing that like crazy. Make sure it is clear on your website, center social media posts around it, and remind members of upcoming education events often. Members are not looking for benefits that are overselling your association. They want a few that are actually impactful and worth joining for.

  3. Keep an eye on your competition. Stay in the know of what others in the industry are up to and don’t be the last to catch on to a new trend. If hybrid events are the way to go moving forward, don’t hold out just because it is not how things have always been done. Staying relevant will help you retain those members and attract new, younger members as well.

  4. Remind members of the value that you bring to the table. Your volunteers are often doing a lot of work behind the scenes. This work, however, can be forgotten if it is not communicated. Utilize your newsletter or other forms of communication to remind members of what you have been up to and what you are working towards as an organization. 

You may not be able to catch them all on their way out the door, but you can hone in on the issues that are fixable and create a better experience for everyone.

Check out our case studies to see how we have helped clients retain and grow their membership!