Member Welcome Email Necessities 

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When a new member joins your association, they are looking for confirmation of the value of your organization. They want to know that they will gain something from having just paid for membership, where to find resources and benefits, and who to contact if they have questions. Give them that! One of the first touchpoints new members should receive is a welcome email. Below are a few key points to include in order to set members up for a successful onboarding experience. 


Greet your new member with a personal hello! Include their name and make them feel personally welcomed into the association. The same goes for your ending. Have the message come from the President or a mentor and give that member some names to associate with the organization. 

Thank them for their membership. Your organization could not run without members like them and they should know that! Express your gratitude for their membership so they understand that their joining means something to you and the association.  

Let new members know where to find benefits and more. It is important to clearly lay out where they can find what they are looking for in that first message. This is an email they will almost certainly read and it is important to provide them with important resources and information. Breakdown where they can find different benefits, re-explain some of those benefits, and help them to log in to the website. Logging in can often be a roadblock to members ever taking advantage of the benefits offered.  

Introduce members to the upcoming events. Include a calendar of the upcoming events and make sure to breakdown how to register, who all will be there, and how they can connect with others. The first few months are crucial to getting them involved in activities like this, so why not start right off the bat. 

End the email with contact information. Include a list of key contacts for your new member to reach out to with certain questions. This can include the Association Manager, President, or a mentor! 

Having clear and direct communication from the beginning of membership will allow your members to understand the organization better, become more involved from the beginning, and the ability to utilize all the benefits your association has to offer. This email can help with membership retention and even referrals from new members. Take the time to tweak it over the years and make sure it is up to date.