Optimizing your Association's Website for Search Engines

We have all heard the term search engine optimization or SEO but the thought of implementing it often seems daunting. We are here to tell you, it is not as hard as it sounds AND can bring big results when it comes to your organization’s membership, event attendance, and more! Search engine optimization is simply making sure your content provides the answers that members are looking for, at the moment they are looking for them.

Knowledge and Education are the most important values that associations offer their members. (Omnipress) When people are seeking that education, it is important to ensure your website is set up to optimize their chances of coming across your content. Here are a few of the most overlooked steps to improve SEO that Omnipress shared with our team!

  1. Web page optimization: Optimizing your web page increases the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic searches. In order to set yourself up for success, make sure that everything from links to images are properly titled. For example, if you have a session at your upcoming event on what to expect when starting your nursing career, make sure the link to that session includes the title. (www.nurseassociation/event/what-to-expect-when-starting-your-nursingcareer) This type of description is also important when it comes to images that are uploaded to the website. Ensure your images are responsive and tagged with (alt=) on the backend of your site. This will allow them to appear in Google image searches.

  2. Document optimization: When uploading a document to your website, take the time to fill out any keywords, titles, and descriptions. This will allow it to appear higher on a  search engine.

  3. Public-facing content: If you have a membership portal with members-only content, make sure there is a description of what users can find in that portal on the public-facing site. This will allow visitors to have full knowledge of what benefits your association offers, allowing them to then decide if they want to join the association. It will also allow the content to show up in a search that it otherwise would not have shown up in.

These quick changes can significantly increase the amount of traffic your website is seeing each month. Sites like Wild Apricot make this process incredibly easy by providing a sidebar when you edit the page, allowing you to edit the suggested areas for optimization. Take the time to learn more about SEO and implement it within your association and you won’t regret it.