6 Quick and Personal Ways to Show Member Appreciation

After a year and a half of potentially declining membership and engagement, your organization should seriously be looking at ways to show existing members appreciation if you haven’t already. The members that have stuck by the organization’s side thus far, are dedicated members but will not be for long if they do not feel some love. Below, you can find a few ways to show your appreciation.

1. Celebrate when a new member joins or an existing member renews

After people pay or make a commitment to something, they want some sort of validation that they have made the right decision or some immediate confirmation that they are a part of something. Give them that.

Send a welcome letter to new members thanking them for joining and sharing the benefits they just signed up for. But, the welcome doesn’t have to stop there. Consider providing new member perks like gift cards or free swag.

While renewing members don’t need a “welcome” email, a thank you email is a great touch. Thank them for renewing, remind them of their benefits, and update them on any upcoming excitement they should be in the loop on.

2. Regularly highlight your members

Depending on how many members you have, dedicate a place to show member appreciation, daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Some options for this include social media posts, newsletter articles, raffle drawings, or awards. This is a great way to keep everyone engaged and sharing your content with other potential members.

3. Provide feedback on member feedback

Surveys are a common way for associations to get a glimpse of how their members are feeling. Make sure you are reconnecting with members after they complete a survey to let them know you heard their thoughts and share what your next steps are now that you have the data.

4. Have a pizza party

Okay, maybe it doesn’t have to be a pizza party, but you get the idea. Hold special events for your members that have a strong focus on fun. Bring people together and create memories they can look back on as they go to renew.

5. Take baby steps to get members involved

One association that we work with here at Impact sends an interest survey to its members after they join. This survey gauges their interest in learning more about committees without forcing them to make any commitments right off the bat. This allows committee members to reach out with more information and establish a relationship with the new member.

6. Foster an environment of feedback and appreciation

You cannot depend on automated messages or emails from your Association Manager to your members to do the trick. Encourage board members and volunteers to consistently go the extra mile to thank one another. Reach out outside of a committee call and let someone know how much you valued the work they did. Send a handwritten note or send someone a virtual coffee gift card—the options are endless.


Members join associations to be a part of something. Make it your job as a volunteer to consistently show the value that each member brings to the association and continue to build on the community you have established.

 Want more tips?

Impact’s team of association professionals have proven success in boosting association membership and retention. Find out how we’ll kickstart your membership numbers and keep them engaged.