Virtually Everything: Discussion Groups, Workshops and Networking Events

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While we are all excited to attend live events, it seems that virtual events are here to stay because of the numerous benefits including increased attendance among those that would not be able to travel to a live event. Below are a few ways to make your next virtual event a success!

Discussion groups are wonderful resources and are great opportunities for attendees to come together and learn from one another. These sessions are often a favorite among attendees and have high attendance rates but they can be lackluster in a virtual setting. Below are a few tips to host a successful discussion group. 

  •  Before the discussion begins, and occasionally throughout the session, the moderator should remind attendees how to participate by instructing them how to raise their hand, mute or turn on their mics, ask or answer questions in the chat, how to participate in a poll, etc.

  • Utilize “plants” in the audience to lead by example - Joining the event with their camera and mic on and actively participating in the conversation, chat and/or poll.

  • Prepare the moderators with scripts to help engage with the audience.

  • Moderators should be prepared to deviate from the agenda with case studies to help drive more participation and discussions with their own experiences.

  • Seed the discussion if you know an attendee in the audience that could share useful advice or can provide new insight into the topic of discussion.

  • Utilize and remind attendees to use the chat or polling features to help engage with those that would prefer not to speak on camera.  

Workshops are great for attendees to put their knowledge to practice to use while also learning from their peers. Rather than easily gathering around a conference table or venturing out into the town to complete the workshop, the virtual workshop has to pivot and be adapted to fit the online format. Consider the following before your next virtual workshop.

  • Build a multi-module course spread across several weeks.

  • Create small groups from the participants to work together virtually.

  • Host live, interactive modules for all of the groups to participate in.

  • Publish the schedule early.

  • Be clear about the format that will be used and any changes that are made.

  • Communicate often!


Networking during any live event or conference could happen at any time - unintentionally while grabbing a cup of coffee to the actual networking event that was planned. Virtual networking can feel just as natural with a little encouragement, direction, and preparedness.

  • Know your members – some like topic-focused events and others like open forums but moderators should be prepared with questions or prompts to get the conversations going.

  • Include the plants in each of the networking groups.

  • Begin with a quick game, icebreaker, or introductions starting with moderators and the “plants”.

  • Host a “Meet the Experts” from the previous sessions for opportunities for Q & A and the opportunity to expand on specific points during their session.

  • Actively promote the agenda


 Additional tips to make your next virtual event a success.

  • Don’t be afraid to try something but be ready to adjust quickly when it doesn’t work.

  • Ask your members how they want to network in a virtual way & how they don’t and why.

  • Leverage technology! You don’t always need expensive software to create memorable experiences. 

  • Train your team! Don’t be limited by job titles. Cross Training can create excellent growth opportunities.

  • Know your limits Just because you have the ability to do it all doesn’t mean you can do it all WELL.


We wish you great success at your next virtual event or conference! Reach out with any virtual event questions.